Rustam Makhmudov

Rustam Makhmudov

    Rustam Makhmudov

    Rustam Makhmudov

    Department: Political Science

    • Oriental languages and literature

    Uzbek, English, Russian.


    LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate,  Academia, Scopus, Web of Science, ORCID.

    Biography Facts

    Dr. Rustam Makhmudov is an associate professor of the Department of Political Science at UWED. Subjects taught: Argumentation and Debates, Crosscultural Communications, Digital Aspects of World Politics, Strategic Culture. He has the diplomatic rank of third secretary. Influent in Russian, English, Farsi, Dari and Pashto. 

    Dr. Makhmudov graduated from the Iranian-Afghan Philology at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (TSUOS), as well as the postgraduate program. Dr. Makhmudov taught Pashto and Dari at TSUOS, worked at the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center for Political Studies. 

    Since 2022, Dr. Makhmudov has been the head of the UWED and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Representative Office in Central Asia (Germany) projects “Problems of Climate Migration in Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions”, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Key Challenges for Central Asia”, “Afghanistan under the Taliban – the Reaction of Neighboring Countries and Great Powers”.

    Dr. Makhmudov is the author of more than 200 analytical articles on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, energy, geopolitics, economics, regional security, the Afghan issue, transport communications, sociology and climate issues in Uzbek and international analytical journals and websites.

