Raimova Gulnora Mirvaliyevna

Raimova Gulnora Mirvaliyevna
Head of the Department “Systematic analysis and mathematical modeling”
Uzbek, English, Russian.
• Stochastic modeling
• Econometric models
• Mathematical models of the securities market
E-mail: graimova@uwed.uz
LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate, Scopus, Academia, Web of Science, ORCID.
Biography Facts
Raimova Gulnora is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, and Head of the Department of System Analysis and Mathematical Modeling. Since 1997, she has been teaching at UWED in different departments, such as Quantitative Methods in Economics, Mathematical Modeling and Computer Sciences, as well as System Analysis and Management.
As part of her academic journey, Dr. Raimova took part in several fundamental projects at the Institute of Mathematics under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She has successfully published more than 120 scientific articles and abstracts in scientific publications, and holds author's certificates issued by the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 12 computer programs.
Moreover, she is the author of textbooks, educational materials in disciplines such as "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", "Higher Mathematics", "Quantitative Methods in Economics", "Econometrics", "Financial Mathematics", "System Analysis", among others.
Rasulov A. S., Mascagni M., Raimova G. Monte Carlo Methods for Solution Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. monograph – University of World Economy and Diplomacy, 2006.
A.S. Rasulov, G.M.Raimova, M. Mascagni, «Monte-Carlo solution of Cauchy problem for a nonlinear parabolic equation» // J. Math. Modelling and Simulation IMAC Elsevier, North Holland, Volume 80, Issue 6 (February 2010), p.1118-1123, ISSN 0378-4754, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matcom.2009.12.009
G. M. Raimova «Probabilistic Representation of the Solution of the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the System of Parabolic Equations» // J. Theory Probab. Appl. 57-4 (2013), pp. 688-697J. Theory Probab. Appl. 57-4 (2013), pp. 688-697/ https://doi.org/10.1137/S0040585X97986291
Gulnora Raimova. Variance reduction methods at the pricing of weather options. 1(21) 2011, Applied Econometrics.
A.Rasulov, G.Raimova. «Monte-Carlo solution of the Neumann problem for nonlinear Helmholts equation» // AIP Conference Proceedings 1557, 320 (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4823928
A.Rasulov, A.Kilicman, Z.Eshkuvatov, G.Raimova, «A New Algorithm for System of Integral Equations» // Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014)
A.Rasulov, G.Raimova, «Monte Carlo solution of the Neumann problem for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation» // J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 117, November 2015, Pages 1–9, IMAC, Elsevier, North Holland.
G.Raimova «Probabilistic Approach to Solution of the Neumann Problem for some Nonlinear Equation» // A Taylor & Francis Journal: Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, Volume 45, 2016 - Issue 8. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2014.936940 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610918.2014.936940#.VXu7BvlT6IU
Sh. Formanov, A.Rasulov, G.Raimova «Solution of initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic equations by method of statistical modeling» //“Proceedings of IAM (Institute of Applied Mathematics)”. Contents V1, N.2, 2012, р. 203-218. http://iam.bsu.edu.az/az/content/contents_v1_n2_2012
A.Rasulov, G.Raimova. Monte Carlo Approach for the Pricing of the European Options, Proceeding of International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering Costa Ballena, Cadiz, Spain, July 4– 8, 2016, p.1038-1046
A. Rasulov, G,Raimova, «Monte Carlo method for solution of initial–boundary value problem for nonlinear parabolic equations», J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, April 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matcom.2017.04.003
Rasulov A., Raimova G., Bakoev M. (2019) Monte Carlo Solution of Dirichlet Problem for Semi-linear Equation. In: Dimov I., Faragó I., Vulkov L. (eds) Finite Difference Methods. Theory and Applications. FDM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11386. Springer, Cham 2. Pages 443-451 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11539-5
Abdujabar Rasulov, Gulnora Raimova, and Matyokub Bakoev. Solution of some semi-linear Dirichlet problem by Monte Carlo method // AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, 420107 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0026724 Published Online: 25 November 2020 https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0026724
A.Rasulov, G.Raimova. Probabilistic models for numerical solution of boundary value problems for a system of elliptic equations. J. Global and Stochastic Analysis Vol. 8 No. 3 (December, 2021) Special Issue: Modern Stochastic Models and Problems of Actuarial Mathematics. 77-85p.
Abdujabar Rasulov, and Gulnora Raimova. Monte Carlo methods for pricing weather derivatives.
AIP Conference Proceedings 2365, 020017 (2021); Volume 2365, Issue 1, 10.1063/5.0057009. Published Online: 16 July 2021. doi.org/10.1063/5.0057009