Tursunova Ranokhon Yusupzhanovna

Tursunova Ranokhon Yusupzhanovna

    Tursunova Ranokhon Yusupzhanovna

    Tursunova Ranokhon Yusupzhanovna


    Biography Facts

    Ranokhon Yusubzhanovna Tursunova was born and raised in Tashkent. In 1996, she graduated with honors from the History Department of the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan. In 2000, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty "History of the Fatherland" on the topic: "Urban self-government in Turkestan (1877-1918)." In 2020, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the specialty "International relations and the history of foreign policy" on the topic: "National self-consciousness, spiritual and historical heritage in the formation of foreign policy identification of the Central Asian states."

    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. He has been working at the University since 2007. Author of 190 scientific papers, including 2 textbooks, 4 textbooks, 9 monographs. Has publications abroad: in India, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

    The winner of the republican contest "The Best teacher"- 2021, the winner of the international competition of scientific papers and socially significant projects "Civil and political activity: interethnic and interfaith relations in the regions of Central Asia and the Greater Altai" - 2022. Candidate for Master of Sports.


    «Основы духовности. – Учебное пособие. – Т.:УМЭД, 2008.
    «Духовный аспект в модернизации гражданского общества (на примере политических партий)» Монография. – Т.:УМЭД, 2012.
    «Духовное возрождение и национальное самосознание в международном политическом континууме (на примере стран Центральной Азии)». Монография. – Т.: УМЭД, 2013.
    «Новейшая история Узбекистана. Учебное пособие. (соавторство) – Т.: УМЭД, 2014.
    «Очерки новейшей истории Узбекистана». Монография (соавторство) – Т.:«Адабиётучкунлари», 2015.
    Central Asia: Common Historical and Cultural Roots. Монография. (соавторство) - Insights and Commentaries South and Central Asia. Published in India. New Delhi 2015.