Rahmatov Davlat Toyirovich

Rahmatov Davlat Toyirovich

    Rahmatov Davlat Toyirovich

    Rahmatov Davlat Toyirovich

    Department: Uzbek and Russian Languages

    • Sports career

    Uzbek, English, Russian.

    E-mail: draxmatov@uwed.uz

    LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate,  Academia, Web of Science, ORCID.

    Biography Facts

    Associate Professor in the speciality “Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports training”; Senior lecturer at the Department of Uzbek and Russian languages, more than 30 scientific and journalistic articles indexed in Google Scholar (h-index 9), Researchgate (h-index 1), Scopus (h-index 1), author of the book “Physical Education and Sports” and the tutorial “Athletics”. Under his leadership, more than 100 students have been trained who participate in prestigious competitions in Uzbekistan and the world.


    Physical education methods used in physical education lessons.

    Technique of conducting sports competitions among higher education students. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal.