Dilmuradov Shuhrat Safarovich

Dilmuradov Shuhrat Safarovich

    Dilmuradov Shuhrat Safarovich

    Dilmuradov Shuhrat Safarovich

    Associate professor of the department of Uzbek and Russian languages UWED

    Biography Facts

    In 2015 he graduated from the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture with a degree in Individual Wrestling. Since 2017, he has been a lecturer at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
    In 2020, he became the author of a textbook on physical culture and sports. Sh. S. Dilmuradov is the director of the UWED sports club, the author of abstracts and articles in more than 30 international journals.
    Scientific interests: methods of physical culture and sports.
    E-mail: shuhrat1985@mail.ru

