Bukreyeva Natalya Gennadyevna

Bukreyeva Natalya Gennadyevna

    Bukreyeva Natalya Gennadyevna

    Bukreyeva Natalya Gennadyevna

    Senior Lecturer of the Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages UWED

    Biography Facts

    In 2008 she graduated from the Uzbek State University of World Languages with a degree in Philology; in 2010 she graduated from the magistracy of the Uzbek State University of World Languages with a degree in Linguistics. From 2012 to the present, he has been a lecturer at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
    Author of scientific articles, 5 manuals.
    Scientific interests: Language teaching, lexicology.
    E-mail: NBukreyeva@uwed.uz

