Gulyamova Gulshaxnoz Sabirovna

Gulyamova Gulshaxnoz Sabirovna

    Gulyamova Gulshaxnoz Sabirovna

    Gulyamova Gulshaxnoz Sabirovna

    Department: International Finance and Investments

    Uzbek, English, Russian.


    LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate,  Academia, Web of Science, ORCID


    Biography Facts

    Mrs. Gulyamova Gulshahnoz is the Professor of the Department of International Finance and Investments at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

    She delivers lectures on such subjects as International Finance, Public Finance, Principles of Financial Accounting, World trade and World Commodity Markets.

    She gained Diploma in Economist from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (1986), She defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

    Expertise: Financial markets, International currency relations, International currency system and balance of payments Problems, financial and economic crises, Types of international trade financing, Financial, budget and tax relations, Peculiarities of regulation of world commodity markets.

    Classes: International Finance, Public Finance, Principles of Financial Accounting, World trade and World Сommodity Markets.


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    «Improving the Banking and Accounting System in the Republic of Uzbekistan » Journal Name:  Design Engineering, ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 9 | Pages: 11553 – 11557. 11553 – 11557б.

    «Factors and conditions in the study of global commodity мarkets», The 7th Regional Conference of the Central Eurasian Research Society,(ССЕRS), 23-26 june 2022, Tashkent, UWED

    «Advantages And Disadvantages of Financial Globalization” Journal Name: *Res Militaris Q4*Subject: Social science, Business Management, Accounting, Finance*, Vol-12, №- 4, Issue 2022. ISSN: 2265-6294. Scopus, Q4. Pages: Scopus preview - Scopus - Res Militaris 11-res+militaris+(2159-2163) (5).pdf2159 – 2163

    Principles Of Development Of Digital Economy And International Finance.Journal Name: Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Scopus, Q42024, 30(4), 6930-6932ISSN: 2148-2403 DOI:

    Использование инновационных услуг в развитии розничной торговли банковской системы.ГГС Гулямова А. Л.ПАРАДИГМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ, ЭКОНОМИКИ И ПРАВА 4 (№4(10) 2023), 58-68

    Improving the Banking and Accounting System in the Republic of Uzbekistan.2021.Design Engineering 9 (9), 11553 – 11557 

    Интеграционные процессы в странах АТР и их опыт для Узбекистана. Ш.А.Хусаинов, Г.С.Гулямова, Н.Т.Толипова.УМЭД.2009