Bakoyeva Gulbaxor Matyakubovna

Bakoyeva Gulbaxor Matyakubovna

    Bakoyeva Gulbaxor Matyakubovna

    Bakoyeva Gulbaxor Matyakubovna

    Department: International Finance and Investments

    Position: Associated Professor


    Information about the activity:

    Bakoeva Gulbahor Matyakubovna was born on March 27, 1983 in the Navoi region.

    In 1990-1994 studied in high school #275. In 1994-1995 studied in high school #222. In 1995-2000 She studied at a specialized gymnasium in the humanities at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

    In 2000 she entered the bachelor degree at UWED. In 2005, after a bachelor’s degree, she entered the magistracy in the direction of “International Economic Relations”.

    Biography Facts

    2007-2011 she worked as a teacher in the department of "International trade and investment"

    From 2011 to the present day she works as a senior lecturer in the department of international trade and investment.

    2013-2015 worked part-time at the Center for High Technologies at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    For the period of work at the department Bakoeva Gulbahor Matyakubovna conducted lecture on courses: "Financial instruments", "International investment activity", "Financial management" at the faculty "International economic relations". She conducted practical classes on the following courses: “Fundamentals of Marketing”, “Financial Instruments”, “International Investment Activity”, “Financial Management”, “Project Finance”, “Crisis Management”, “Pricing”, “Finance” and “Economic Diplomacy”. Also carries out all other types of educational and educational work. In the classroom uses the active method of learning - business games, discussions. Readable courses are provided with teaching aids and the necessary teaching materials. In the educational process, he actively uses modern pedagogical technologies with the use of information and computer technologies.

    As a teacher of the department, she pays a lot of attention to bringing up a harmoniously-developed and gifted generation, as well as demanding herself and others, enjoys prestige among staff and students.


    Scientific activities: to this day, the number of publications is 66 scientific publications.