Yusuvalieva Rakhima Yusupovna

Yusuvalieva Rakhima Yusupovna

    Yusuvalieva Rakhima Yusupovna

    Yusuvalieva Rakhima Yusupovna

    Senior Lecturer
    Department on International Law and Public Law Disciplines

    Uzbek, English, Russian

    The theory of state and law
    Romane Law
    The history of state and law

    Biography Facts

    Rakhima Yusuvalieva is a Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of International Law at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Previously, Rakhima worked at she was in teaching and legal research at the Department on International Law and Public Law Disciplines in International Law faculty from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She is a PhD and researcher at currently Dsc.


    Articles and Book Chapters
    Romane Law, UWED, 2008
    The theory of state and law, UWED, 2019