Giyazova Bernora Mansurovna

Giyazova Bernora Mansurovna

    Giyazova Bernora Mansurovna

    Giyazova Bernora Mansurovna

    Department: Uzbek and Russian Languages

    • Hindi Philology, Hindi literature, linguistics hindi, linguistics english

    Uzbek, Hindi, Urdu, English, Russian.


    LinkedInGoogle ScholarResearch Gate,  Academia, Web of Science, ORCID.

    Biography Facts

    Giyazova Bernora Mansurovna is an expert in the field of Indian language and literature of India. She studied linguistics at Gujarat University (India).

    She has experience working as a translator in Indian companies.

    She took part in various international conferences.

    More than 20 scientific articles have been published in national and international journals. Author of textbooks on the Indian language for university students and a textbook on the Hindi language for schools and lyceums of Uzbekistan.

    Independent researcher at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. Research work is devoted to the linguistic and cultural study of the names of the goddesses of Indian mythology Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga (Parvati).


    “The historical origin and functions of the hindu goddess Saraswati”, The International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, Volume 2 Issue 5. (IJLLCC), Toronto, Kanada, 2022.

    «The functions of Goddess Lakshmi», The International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, Volume 2 Issue 5. (IJLLCC), India, 2023.

    "देवियों के व्युत्पत्ति संबंधी विश्लेषण की समस्या पर - सरस्वती, लक्ष्मी और दुर्गा", (К вопросу об этимологическом анализе богинь – Сарасвати, Лакшми и Дурга), 2024.

    Hindiy tilidan matnlar to’plami (Hindiy tilidan o'qish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish uchun o’quv qo’llanma), JIDU, 2024.