Nasullaeva Dilnoza Baxodirovna

Nasullaeva Dilnoza Baxodirovna

    Nasullaeva Dilnoza Baxodirovna

    Nasullaeva Dilnoza Baxodirovna

    Lecturer at the Department of Oriental Languages
    Teaching work experience: 5 years
    Specialties: Philology (Korean language and literature)

    Biography Facts

    2008-2012 - Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (bachelor)
    2014-2017 - Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (master's degree)

    Working expirience:
    20013-2017 – Case manufacturer Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Department of Chancellery.
    2017 - present in. - Lecturer University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Department of Oriental Languages

    Languages: Tajik, Uzbek, Russian, Korean

    KOICA Korean Language Teachers Internship Course, Korea, Hallim University (online), 2021.


    Tutorial and metrological recommendations

    1. Nasullaeva D.B. «THE CONCEPT OF "SENTENCES" IN KOREAN LANGUAGE»//Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. ISSN: 2249-7315 Vol. 12, Issue 04, April 2022 
    2. Nasullaeva D.B. «Понятие «предложение» в корейском языке»// SCIENCE AND INNOVATION INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL. - ISSN: 2181-3337. 2022 yil 3-son