Mirzoumid Khmadamov

Mirzoumid Khmadamov
Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Management
Uzbek, English, Russian.
international Business,
international economic relations,
Reception days: Tuesday, Friday - 10:00-12:00
E-mail: m.khamdamov@uwed.uz
Biography Facts
in 2002 Tashkent State University of Economics
in 2004 Tashkent State University of Economics (master's degree)
in 2009 Tashkent State Law Institute (2-specialty)
1998-2002 - student of the Tashkent State Economic University (bachelor)
2002-2004 - student of the Tashkent State Economic University (master's degree)
2005-2008 - postgraduate student of Tashkent State University of Economics
2005-2012 - Economist of international relations of the representative office "Telecom Telecommunication A.Sh."
2012-2013 –Senior Lecturer, Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, University of World Economy and Diplomacy
2013-2013 – Acting Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, University of World Economy and Diplomacy
2013-2015 – Head of the Department of Economic Theory, University of World Economy and Diplomacy
2015-2019 – Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
2019 - to present - Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, University of World Economy and Diplomacy
- The rybatext site will help a designer, layout designer, webmaster to generate several paragraphs of a more or less meaningful fish text in Russian, and a novice speaker to hone his public speaking skills at home.
- When creating the generator, we used the well-known universal speech code.
- The text is randomly generated in paragraphs from two to ten sentences per paragraph, which makes the text more attractive and lively for visual and auditory perception.
- At its core, the fish text is an alternative to the traditional lorem ipsum, which causes some people to be puzzled