International Relations and World Politics

International Relations and World Politics

    • Delivery mode:Classroom
    • Study mode:Full time
    • Duration:One year
    • Start date:September 2
    • Application deadline:July 31

    Direction description

    This master's program is designed to provide students with a systematic acquaintance with the subject field, key categories and methodological approaches to understanding and analyzing the main problems of international relations and world politics. Its main purpose is to introduce the student to a special, universally recognized and constituted conceptual and terminological discourse of the science of international relations, which is one of the disciplines in the social sciences.

    70310802 - International Relations and World Politics is a master's program, the purpose of which is to form in the minds of students a clear connection between the historical and cultural context of international events and the forms of their modern manifestation, between the theoretical constructions of scientists and their direct verification by practice, between the aspirations of politicians and national aspirations peoples and the actual state of international relations in various political, strategic, socio-economic, civilizational and other dimensions.

    The master's program provides for the possibility of passing professional (industrial) practice in specialized professional and scientific-analytical organizations and centers related to the field of international relations and foreign policy.

    During the training, students of the faculty will be able to work in the representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, in various systems of state power (for example, the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, courts, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Activity, prosecutor's offices and judicial bodies), in various national (for example, legal structures) and transnational (for example, LUKOIL, PcW) business entities, and also have the opportunity to practice in representative offices of international organizations.

    Alumni reviews

    Ruslanbek Davletov

    Ruslanbek Davletov

    Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

    At the moment, several legal reforms are underway in Uzbekistan. I believe that the flexibility and modern knowledge and skills of students who are thirsty for knowledge and inquisitive like you are very important in the transition to a new model of public administration in our country.

    Javlon Vakhabov

    Javlon Vakhabov

    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to the USA, Canada and Brazil

    Wishing you all the very best in life. There are lots of exams you need to go through to get your aim, successes and losses come and go, but your dedication and hard work will always be with you to lead you towards a step ahead. You are the person who can change the world.