International Economics and Management (by region and line of business)

International Economics and Management (by region and line of business)

    • Delivery mode:Classroom
    • Study mode:Full time
    • Duration:One year
    • Start date:September 2
    • Application deadline:July 31

    Direction description

    The international economics and management is a system of relations that arises between states, regions and transnational corporations in the sphere of production, sale, distribution of goods and services.

    70412001 - International Economics and Management is a direction of the Master's program that trains specialists for the following organizations: government agencies engaged in diplomatic activities and foreign economic activity, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, representative offices of international financial institutions and banking institutions, as well as companies and organizations engaged in foreign trade activities.

    Acquired knowledge by graduates:

    • Methods of implementation of foreign economic activity of the enterprise;
    • Analysis of current trends in the global economy and financial prospects for business development in a particular country;
    • Fundamentals of accounting and tax support of the company;
    • Understanding the role of financial structures in the company's activities;
    • Performance of financial and economic calculations;
    • Methods for determining and insuring the risks of foreign economic activity.

    Future international economists study the securities market, money circulation systems, lending, taxation, get acquainted with information technologies, the principles of organizing the modern world economy, which will be useful in the future for successful work.

    During the training, students of the faculty will be able to work in the representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, in various systems of state power (for example, the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, courts, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Activity, prosecutor's offices and judicial bodies), in various national (for example, legal structures) and transnational (for example, LUKOIL, PcW) business entities, and also have the opportunity to practice in representative offices of international organizations.