Khudaykulova Shakhnoza Suvanovna

Khudaykulova Shakhnoza Suvanovna

    Khudaykulova Shakhnoza Suvanovna

    Khudaykulova Shakhnoza Suvanovna

    Department: Uzbek and Russian Languages

    • Philology, Uzbek language and literature

    Uzbek, English, Russian.


    LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate,  Academia, Web of Science, ORCID.

    Biography Facts

    Sh.Khudaykulova has been teaching Uzbek as a lecturer at the Department of Uzbek and Russian languages of the University of world economy and diplomacy since 2017 to students of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, International Law, International Relations, as well as students of the Hankuk Foreign Language University of South Korea on the exchange program. As an independent researcher of the Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi in 2022, he defended his doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological Sciences on the topic “semantic-stylistic features of the axiological lexicon of the Uzbek language” (10.00.01 – specialty of the Uzbek language). Sh.Khudaykulova attended the traditional scientific and practical conference on "language education and translation issues in the training of personnel for foreign political and foreign economic relations“, held in Ankara, Turkey on November 24-26, 2023," International Education and Innovative Sciences “at the conference, with its lecture at the” International STEM-5 Educational Conference “and” international teachers " conferences held jointly on the campus of Ibn Haldun University in Istanbul, Turkey, on July 6-7, 2024.  During his career, he is the author of about 30 scientific articles, a monograph entitled “semantic-stylistic features of the axiological lexicon of the Uzbek language” and a teaching manual “materials to interactive lectures on the development of written literacy (work in the moodle system)”.  Also, the” Multidisciplinary Journal of science and technology " (ISSN: 2582-4686) Explorbib Impact Factor: 8.848 / 2023.) and” Journal of Language Education and Research (Clere) Dil Eğitimi ve Araştırmaları Dergisi " (ISSN: 2149-5602.) member of the editorial board of journals. Currently, as an independent researcher (DSc) at the Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, the axiological linguistics, the reflection of the axiological lexicon in linguistic units, the language of national values and works of art, the linguistic expression of cultural values in the work of art, he is conducting research on the topic “axiolinguistic analysis of linguistic devices in current Uzbek artistic texts” on the issues of studying universal and culturally specific axiolinguistic values in the language of fiction.
