Rahmatullayeva Galina Madrayimovna

Rahmatullayeva Galina Madrayimovna

    Rahmatullayeva Galina Madrayimovna

    Rahmatullayeva Galina Madrayimovna

    Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages UWED

    Biography Facts

    In 1970 she graduated from Tashkent State University with a degree in philology, a teacher of the Russian language and literature; in 1985 - Tashkent Higher Party School and received a higher party political education. He has a scientific degree of a candidate of historical sciences, an academic title of associate professor.
    From January 1993 to the present he has been working as an assistant professor at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
    Galina Madraimovna is the author of more than 150 scientific publications, including 4 monographs, an educational and methodological complex for students of the 2nd year of educational areas of the UWED, the author and co-author of a number of Russian language textbooks for students of academic lyceums (withstood 5 editions), Russian language textbooks for 10-11 classes of general educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, educational and teaching aids, educational standard programs in the Russian language for UWED.
    G.M. Rakhmatullaeva - Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, winner of the Pushkin Prize for teachers of Russian language and literature in the CIS and Baltic countries, participant in the final round of the International Competition "The Best Teacher of Russian Literature in the CIS and Baltic States", winner of the Republican competition for the title "Best teacher of Russian literature in Uzbekistan.
    Conducts a lot of scientific and methodological work in the republic, being a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Republican Center for Education of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific director of the experiment on optimizing and adjusting State standards and standard curricula in the Russian language in secondary schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a member of the board of the Tashkent Association of Russian Teachers language and literature.
    G.M. Rakhmatullayeva was awarded the badges “Excellence in Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Excellence in Secondary Specialized, Vocational Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Certificate of Honor of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Agency for CIS Affairs “ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO” - “For many years of fruitful cooperation and promotion of the Russian language and culture in the Republic Uzbekistan
    Research interests: methods of teaching Russian as a second language.
    E-mail: GRaxmatullayeva@uwed.uz

