Rasulov Abdujabar Sattorovich

Rasulov Abdujabar Sattorovich
Rasulov A.S. has been working as a professor at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy since February 1993. In 1995-2004, he was the Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, in 2004-2005 - Vice-Rector for Research, and in 2006-2022 - Head of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology. Currently, he works as a professor at the Department of Systems Analysis and Mathematical Modeling.
Biography Facts
Rasulov A.S. completed his postgraduate studies at St. Petersburg University in 1975-1978 and defended his PhD thesis in 1979. In 1993, he defended his doctoral dissertation (DcS) at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk. Currently, he conducts scientific research with his students in the field of practical application of mathematical models in economics.
Mathematician - specialist in Monte Carlo methods. Since 1993, a permanent scientific seminar has been held under the leadership of prof. A.S. Rasulov. This seminar discusses the results of applying mathematical models in economics, forecasting stock and bond prices on the stock market and preventing risks, research in the field of stochastic processes. Rasulov A.S. is one of the scientists who created a scientific school in Uzbekistan in the field of applying Monte Carlo methods to solve linear and nonlinear boundary value problems, as well as research into weather derivatives in the insurance market, which is currently the most pressing problem in the world due to climate change.
The works of Prof. A.S. Rasulov were presented at international scientific conferences held in more than 20 countries in the USA, France, Germany, China, Japan, Russia, Korea, Greece, Malaysia and other countries, and more than 50 articles were published in many international journals included in world databases.
Rasulov A.S. is the recipient of several international grants. Including:
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – JSPS grant (Japan-1999) (2 months).
- Study of Some Financial and Economic Models Using Stochastic Methods, Fulbright grant (USA-2002) (1 year).
- Monte Carlo Methods for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. Grant of the Japan Foundation (Japan – 2008) (1st year).
- Application of Quantitative Methods to Empirical Economic Research in Central Asia, grant of Nihon University (Japan-2010) (2 months).
- New Silk Road and Development Strategy, Shanxi University (Xi'an, China-2012, 1 month).
Waseda University Scholarship (Japan - 2017), 2 months) At UWED, he trained 3 Doctors of Science (DcS) and 5 Candidates of Science (PhD) - highly qualified specialists in their field. During his work, Rasulov wrote more than 250 scientific and methodological works and textbooks. Including 7 monographs (2 in English), 6 textbooks and teaching aids (including 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, and one in English), more than 49 scientific and methodological manuals. He lectures in English, has published more than 160 scientific articles.
Subjects taught:
Calculus, quantitative methods in economics, probability theory and statistics. UWED students constantly use textbooks and teaching aids created for the above subjects during their studies.
- Rasulov A.S., Raimova G. M., Sarimsaqova H.Q., Ehtimollar nazariyasi va matematik statistika, Darslik, Faylasuflar jamiyati nashriyoti, 2006 yil, 295 bet. Oliy va orta maxsus talim vazirligi grifi olingan.
- Расулов А. С., Раимова Г.М., “Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика” , учебник, 2-изд. Дополненное, 2022, 300 стр, изд. УМЭД.
- Rasulov A.S., Dalaboev U. Itimoiy tadqiqodlarda miqdoriy usullar., Darslik (Ijtimoiy-gumanitar soha yonalishlari uchun), JIDU publisher,198 bet, 2022 й. (2-nashr). Oliy va orta maxsus talim vazirligi grifi olingan,
- Rasulov A.S., Text book “Lecture on theory of probability and mathematical statistics”, UWED press, p.110 , Tashkent, 2002, in English
- Rasulov A.S., Handbook “Lecture and exercises on theory of probability and mathematical statistics”, UWED press, p.220, Tashkent, 2002, in Russian
- Rasulov A.S., Dalaboev U., “Iqtisodiuotda miqdoriy usullar”, Darslik, 2022, 274 bet, JIDU nashriyoti, 2-nashri, Oliy va orta maxsus talim vazirligi grifi olingan.
- Rasulov A.S., "The Monte-Carlo methods for solutions of nonlinear problems", Fan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1991, 129p. (In Russian) .
- Rasulov A.S., "Selected algorithms of the Monte-Carlo methods" (with S..M.Ermakov, M.T.Bakoev, A.Z.Veselovskaja), Tashkent, University press, 1992, 132p. ( In Russian).
- Rasulov A.S., “Monte Carlo method for the solution of linear and nonlinear boundary value problems”. UWED publ., 2006, p.256 (with M. Mascagni and G. Raimova), in English
- Rasulov A.S., «Economic modeling for policy analysis» , UWED press, p.126 , Tashkent, 2013, in English
- Rasulov A.S., Parallel, Asynchronous iteration methods and applications. Uwed press, 2013, Tashkent, p.144, in English
- Rasulov A.S., “Monte Carlo method for the solution of linear and nonlinear boundary value problems”. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing , Germany, 2011 , p. 286, ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-1183-5, http://www.lap-publishing.com (with M. Mascagni and G. Raimova).
- Rasulov A.S., "Recent Advances in Monte Carlo Methods", 2024, ISBN: 978-1-83769-362-7.
Published scientific papers (last 3 years):
- Rasulov A.S., M Bakoev, M Rakhmatov
AIP Conference Proceedings 2365 (1), Quasi random sequences for calculation multidimensional integrals and parallel algorithms , 2021, №020013, р.(1-6), DOI: 10.1063/5.0057008 - Rasulov A.S., U. Dalabaev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1860 (1), 012026, Computational technology for improving the quality of difference schemes based on moving nodes 2021, p.1-7, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1860/1/012026 - Rasulov A.S., G. Raimova
AIP Conference Proceedings 2365 (1), Monte Carlo methods for pricing weather derivatives, 2021, 020017(1-10) - Rasulov A.S., G Raimova
Global and Stochastic Analysis , Probabilistic models for numerical solution of boundary value problems for a system of elliptic equations,2021, v.8, №-3, 81-90. - Rasulov A.S., M.Y. Rakhmatov
Monte – Carlo Method for Pricing of multi-Asset rainbow options. Recent Advances in Mathematical Research and Computer Science Vol. 10, 2022 , Page 70-76, DOI: 10.9734/bpi/ramrcs/v10/3614E - Rasulov A.S., U.Dalabaev
Flow in a channel with porous insert. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 990 (2022) 012027, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/990/1/012027. - U.Dalabaev, A.Rasulov, and S.Umarova
A simple way to solve boundary value problems in technological processes, E3S Web of Conferences 389, 01015 (2023). - Rasulov A.S.
Monte Carlo Algorithms for the Solution of Quasi-Linear Dirichlet Boundary Value Problems of Elliptical Type, 2023, Mathematics and Statistics 11(3):592-597 DOI:10.13189/ms.2023.110317 - Rasulov A.S., G Raimova
Improving efficiency of Monte Carlo algorithms for the solution Dirichlet problems, 2023, Conf. paper, Russia. - Rasulov A.S., G Raimova, D. Hasanova
Monte Carlo solution of heat conductivity problems with quadratic nonlinearity on the boundary of domain, E3S Web of Conferences 443, 06002 (2023) (Scopus) - Rasulov A.S., G. Raimova
Monte Carlo solution of semi-linear Helmholts boundary value problem, Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 446, 2024, p. 489-502. - Rasulov A.S., G. Raimova
Application of branching processes to solve boundary value problems for the semi-linear Helmholtz equation, E3S Web of Conferences, 2024, Volume 583, #07014, Publisher EDP Sciences.
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