Bakoyeva Gulbaxor Matyakubovna

Bakoyeva Gulbaxor Matyakubovna
Kafedra: Xalqaro moliya va investitsiyalar
Lavozimi: katta o'qituvchi
Tarjimai hollar
Gulbahor Bakoyeva Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universitetining Xalqaro moliya va investitsiyalar kafedrasi dotsenti.
“Xalqaro moliyaviy texnologiyalar”, “Moliyaviy menejment” kabi fanlardan ma’ruzalar o‘qiydi.
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universitetida Xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar bo‘yicha bakalavr darajasini oldi (2005); va Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universitetining magistrlik diplomi (2007). Shuningdek, “Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori samaradorligi: O‘zbekistonda joriy etish usullari” mavzusida nomzodlik dissertatsiyasini himoya qilgan.
Ilmiy nashrlar
Darslar: Xalqaro moliyaviy texnologiyalar, Moliyaviy menejment, Derivativlar, Marketing.
Ilmiy qiziqishlari: Moliyaviy menejment, Moliyaviy vositalar, Qimmatli qog'ozlar bozorlari, Fond birjasi, Raqamlashtirish, Raqamli marketing, Marketing, Xalqaro moliya institutlari, Moliyaviy texnologiyalar, Blokcheyn, Raqamli transformatsiya, Kriptovalyuta.
Ilmiy nashrlar:
Foreign trade activities of Uzbekistan: problems and opportunities for development International journal of trends in marketing management 9 (1) 2021
Current issues of the banking system development of the republic of Uzbekistan Общество и инновации 2 (2/S), 179-186 2021
Актуальные вопросы развития банковской системы Республики Узбекистан Ш Ибодуллаев, Г Бакоева, Общество и инновации 2 (2/S), 179-186 2021
Prospects of the derivatives market in Uzbekistan, Asian journal of multidimensional research 10 (5), 297-302 2021
Foreign experience in applying IPO practice in Uzbekistan’s securities market and potential of using derivatives, International Relations: Politics, Economics, Law 2020 (1), 48-57 2021
Peculiarities of the current situation of the banking ipo market International Scientific and Current Research Conferences, 78-81 2023
Рақамли трансформация шароитида банкларга рақобатбардош мутахассис кадрлар тайёрлашнинг долзарб масалалари, Архив научных исследований 2020
The positive impact of the financial technology industry on the financial stability of countries in crisis conditions, Conferencea, 13-18 2024
The Essence Of Transformation Of The Banking Sector In The Context Of The Implementation Of Modern Financial Technologies, Naturalista campano 28 (1), 2569-2575 2024
Improving financial technologies in Central Asia countries, World Economics and Finance Bulletin 35, 1-7 2024
Тенденции и перспективы применения современных международных финансовых технологий в экономике Узбекистана: анализ и возможности, The strategy of “Uzbekistan — 2030” — the driver of the development, 2023
The role of investment climate on entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan, Innovation in the modern education system 1 (1), 490 2023
The Influence of Fintech on the Business Environment in Developing Economies: On the example of Central Asian Countries, Procedia on Digital Economics and Financial Research 6 (1), 1–3 2023
Derivatives’ market as an essence factor of integration into international capital market in terms of global digitalization processes, Frontline Marketing, Management and Economics Journal eISSN : 2752-700X 3 (8 … 2023
Specific aspects of the use of financial technologies in the conditions of Uzbekistan, Oriental Journal of Social Sciences 3 (03), 101-113 2023